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- «c7»
- Most sceners want to be «c6»appreciated & respected «c7»by other sceners, and then
- especially by the ones with the same functions as them. And when it comes
- to the coders, there is no exception! Therefore I asked some of the best
- coders at the present scene to write some comments about their colleagues.
- Infact I asked 10 coders which all deserve to at least be mentioned among
- the top 20.«»
- «»
- However, it was not as easy as I first expected to actually get their comments.
- Some claimed they didn't have time to answer, other simply told me they were
- too lazy too answer, some said they didn't have the knowledge to answer and
- some didn't even bother to reply at all. Of course all are bad excuses. It should
- be regarded as an honour to be contacted by «c6»the D.I.S.C. Team... «c7»;)«»
- «»
- Nevertheless, I think the comments below should be interesting reading. And
- Gods grace to the ones that care about the scene and answered! You will of course
- get positive remarks in future issues. The rest of you have to bribe us as
- usual, hehe...«»
- «»
- «c5»Now read the comments...«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Nice and fast code, but not much variation, it seems. Maybe it is his
- style that is a bit too homogeneous.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»OK, The last scoopex intros are the best ever made, but I've
- been told that antibyte is a old member of scoopex, who
- is not very active, but It may be false.
- Well, I don't exactly know the codework of Antibyte,
- and I don't want to say too much bullshit on that great man.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Antibyte really had it going for a while with his Superautodrome
- series which were mainly based around the 3d-engine, hardcore muffler
- style music, and the typical Antibyte colour choice I'd say. Dont know
- how much progress he made from one intro to the next, but I like to think
- that he optimised his routines all the time :) It seems that he often
- saves cpu on using less colours than 256, a lot of his routines seem
- to be 64 or 32 colours with linear palettes (instead of using shadetables,
- which is a bit more time consuming, but allows for more freedom in the
- graphics department). I cant say that I have anything bad to say about his
- code, only the presentation of the code didnt seem to improve that much
- over the years. Everything looks mostly the same. He has a nice engine in
- 64k though. Probably coded in assembler aswell which is becoming more rare
- these days.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»After roughly two years of hyperactivity in 97 and 98, Antibyte suddenly
- stopped his (mass-)production of intros. One reason might be that he was
- tired of winning almost every competition he attended (not that likely),
- another reason could be that he didn't feel like spending any more time om
- doing keyframes and object-generators for his 3d-engine. In my oppinion
- there were two good things to be said about Antibyte's introprojects:
- First of all, the engine was fast and Antibyte's carefull (manual)
- keyframing made the scenes look nice, and secondly, you could get away with
- only watching every third intro, and still not be afraid you had missed any
- new improvements, objects or effects inserted between the 3d-scenes.
- Most of the work I've seen from Antibyte has been well-done, but very
- standard stuff. What separates him from all the other uninventive, but
- technically skilled coders is the enormous productivity he showed, and the
- fact that his productions despite their simple design looked quite nice.
- My favourite effect from Antibyte would be his cool interference-routine
- from the ocs-demo "Pha Q - Lameness took me", released in 1993, eventhough
- Saviour / Complex did the same thing in '92.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»I always liked this guy. His many intros and few demos has been setting new
- standards through the years, and he certainly has his 3D very well under
- control. One particular thing about him that I think is great is that his
- productions are fast on 030, which make a 030-owner like myself happy :)
- I think all the productions I have seen from him has high quality. Not all
- intros too different from each other, but the engine he coded has continously
- been improved and with new features. One thing I miss a bit from him is
- routines that are NOT dependent on his 3D-engine.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»Ah ah! Loonies is the second group to have done 3D-FPU corrected
- mapping optimized for 060, after SKARLA.
- Cybercinematastic is a very "worked" demo,
- while other loonies production kept their "mad" style,
- very interesting also, to my mind.(goatraince)
- Anyway, I prefer to see 100% original 3D scenes than
- movie-inspired scene. But, OK, cyber...is fun and
- sometimes impressive. But... where is 2D ?«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Now Blueberry made one of my finest moments on the Party when we had just
- seen the 64k pc intro in the 4k compo. I was awestruck by the 64k (which I
- thought was really a 4k :) ), but then we heard that it was disqualified
- naturally and we again settled down with the :"Of course, you cant have that
- good music and graphics in 4k" feeling. Then along comes Peanut in all its
- singing and dancing glory, and we were jumping up and down shouting amiga
- slogans and dancing along with this great 4k from heaven. Hehe. That was a
- true classic in my opinion, and that intro also inspired me to start writing
- 4ks later on. As he proved how much you can put into those bloddy bytes. :)
- Deep Pan was also something of the same character, lots of nice calculated
- stuff from start to finish and some innovative routines and sweet design.
- I especially love the hires logos in the start, gives me the :"this is 64k,
- and this is about to kick you in the nuts with great code" feeling.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»When it comes to his later Loonies-releases they have mostly been in
- cooperation with Psycho, and I don't know who's done what. Both Peanut and
- the Deeppan-intros have contained some parts that looked interesting
- (codewise that is, mostly it's been quite ugly, rainbow-coloured stuff)...
- All in all it seems like Blueberry is quite skilled when it comes to the
- standard-effects most coders release these days, and I really enjoyed some
- of his tunnels (the ones in DeeppanTFS and Valhalla kick ass!)«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Here we have an extremely clever coder, always figuring the smartest,
- smallest and fastest solution to almost every problem. Optimizing in size
- and speed has been a trademark for him for a long time now and there have
- been some cool releases comming from him. Not many though which probably
- is connected to the time he spends on each routine. I particularly like
- the intro 'Deep Pan' which was released under the Efreet label and is quite
- impressing regarding amount of routines and certainly a trendsetter for
- intros to come regarding precalculating music, textures etc.«»
- «»
- «c5»ABOUT «c3»KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Hmm, a very good coder I think, and codes for new hardware which is rather
- refreshing (although I dont get to see it often). His routines are pretty
- fast, but he's never made a production which makes me go :"gooosh, thats
- amazing". I think the colour choice of most mankind productions suck a little
- too, although they have improved. Sometimes the design becomes a little too
- messy too, in the way of throwing too much at the screen. Anyway, concerning
- code, I got no complaints really as he has some fast routines and has more
- knowledge of both hardware and routines than I have. I think that mankind
- productions generally should be cleaned up a little in the visual/audible
- department. If they do that, they'll become a really winning team.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»The only releases I've seen from this guy are Scream thy last
- scream-blurremix, which is INCREDIBLY ugly, and New World Child, which was
- quite nice! None of the effects were that creative, and as I only have an
- 030 I won't say anything about their speed (for all I know they COULD be
- heavily 060-optimized). But one differs Krabob from a lot of other coders
- in the scene today: he's wise enough to spend time on making design-code!
- Now that so few demos display new and creative effects, the stamina to do
- some design-"effects" is what makes you a MAN in coder-circles! (Ofcourse
- we all know that a fast 3d-engine only means that you want people to
- BELIEVE you have a big dick...)«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»I wont express many thoughts about him, since I don't seem to recall I
- have seen any productions from him. Sorry.«»
- «»
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- «c5»ABOUT «c3»LOADERROR:«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Loaderror is somehow able to make that new demo design style with lines
- and other things in front, a bit more interesting to look at than it
- usually is.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»One of the greatest and productive coder!
- I consider LoadError is also a great graphist & artist, as
- he always use the graphical "side" of his effects, sometimes
- using some kind of "bugs" to have a photographic rendering.
- Enormous cutting technique. Does Loaderror use a script editor ?
- Great use of the palette also: it's rare.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»I mentioned the importance of design when I was writing about Krabob, but
- when it comes to my favourite rival, design is the only thing of
- importance! I'm looking forward to the day when Loaderror will finally
- complete his quest to make a really goodlooking demo without ANY effects,
- and it seems he's getting closer every day... In my opinion he has better
- design-skills than any other amiga-coder today, and that's the reason he's
- so highly ranked in the charts nowadays. The only code of his that has ever
- impressed me is the music-generator he uses in his 4k's. He's never done a
- demo-effect that's even remotely creative or impressive, and I suppose
- he'll never do one either. And in a way I don't see why he should, his
- productions are still succesfull, atleast as long as they don't try to
- compete against the world dominance of the Smurfs.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Certainly a coder with many good ideas and a productive coder as well.
- I have seen many productions from him and together with the rest of Eph,
- ha has managed to create an own style regarding design and setup of routines.
- Good original routines from him, but very seldom the fastest. Especially the
- newer stuff is not too fun to watch on 030, but is a must see on 060.
- His 3D seems to be quite buggy :)«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»I had to check for potion demo!
- I've just heard about a 68K raytracing routines...
- Too bad, I have no time to find one.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»This guy has two worlds, his demo world and his intro world. The demo world is
- does not even compare to the intro world. Demos are ordinary, with a nice 3d
- engine using his HAM c2p and thats about it really. Theres not that much other
- than racing around a lot of scenes, but this is probably the way demos will
- become judging by the 3d accellerated PC-scene. This isnt such a bad thing,
- but it is important that the 3d scenes do interesting things. When it comes to
- intros, this guy is my favourite, with the kick ass sound engine coupled with
- cool design, fast and fresh routines all the way in the mega intro gift, which
- I tend to watch about a million times everytime I get near a 060 :) I heard the
- 64k ppc intro kicked ass aswell, so I'm looking forward to seeing that. No bad
- words at all about this coder. :)«»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»Gush was nice, but slightly boring. Gift impressed the shit out of me,
- mostly because of the sheer amount of effects and music Mavey managed to
- squeeze into 64k. Rout was what finally made me start doing ocs-productions,
- and it really impressed me when I first watched it. The demo he released at
- MekkaSymposium2k is one of the ugliest productions I've seen this year.
- All in all Mavey is a skilled (and friendly) coder whom I'd rather not
- compete against in an introcompetition.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Good and fast routines and productions always interesting in terms of
- complexity. I like his work very much even though 3D seems to be domination
- his productions but thats the way the scene is these days. Potion has
- released incredible intros and has also been teaching us how much can be
- put into a small number of bytes.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»A hard worker.
- My favorite demo from him is "Rain"
- He managed to code effects still not done on amiga,
- Like panoramic cube mapping or these nice "recursive"
- zooms: In fact these technics has already been seen on
- 3Daccelerated PC or on WEB pages, but here, they are nice
- and well-coded for the 060. It must be difficult
- to have the Offa-equalizer heritage, and continue coding
- with the same level.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Rubberduck is a long time serving amiga scener, and a bloody good coder too.
- After Equalizer and Offa went away with their mass appealing demos with bright
- and colourful routines, there was Rubberduck left to keep the Tbl flag waving.
- He does it well too, in his usual "darkside" style, which you either love or
- loathe. Id say that the two last productions are the best he's made. Now theres
- more thought behind the graphics, typography than in Panacea and Darkside. The
- routines are supposed to be leftovers, but they hardly look like leftovers to me.
- Great metaballs, voxelscape and even some innovative routines like the strange
- multitunnelthingys and the "rooms" :) Which I havent seen on amiga before (people
- tell me they are widely used on pc though). Rain was a little bit buggy in places,
- and thats about all the negative comments I can give Rubberduck.;)«»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»Definitely my favourite among the coders mentioned here. For a while he was
- just "One of the few TBL-coders without severe colourblindness", and
- eventhough I enjoyed Darkside and Panacea (nice effects, no timing, and
- not-so-impressive graphics) he didn't rank very high in "Slummy's private
- coder-chart". The fact that all the productions I've seen featuring
- Rubberduck has been in cooperation with other coders and without specific
- credits, means that I don't know exactly which effects have been done by
- him. However, if he has only coded 20% of Senseless and Rain (which I
- really doubt), he deserves quite a bit of respect! All the cool and
- innovative effects together with the nice'n'laidback design makes Rain the
- best amiga-demo released during the last couple of years. And ofcourse,
- a bit of arrogance is also nice...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Innovative, but routines are not fast on 030 at least. Seems to go for
- complexity and not speed and therefore he has created some beautiful
- effects, but is - in my opinion and on my computer - lacking in speed.
- I hope to see more from him in the future, because he creates good
- productions.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Schlott has a rare ability to actually make the thing look good, apart
- from being innovative and impressive. Colours and movements seem always
- carefully chosen.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»Arrrgh...2*2 18bit Ham screens!!!!
- It allows astounding color effects, you can't do with other screens...
- I am totally jealous against Nerve Axis.Grrr. So I will write
- some evil things about them: Their effects are not original!
- (well, in fact they are.) and... It doesn't work on CGX (true)!!!
- And... Hmmm..So, The ship go into the space, earth explodes, and
- then, what ? What?... The group is quite inactive, now.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Here we have a coder who sets his goals for a demo high. When I saw Relic the first
- time, I thought it was partly animations ;) Because it looked too good to be true.
- The best 3d demo ever on amiga thats for sure. The thing that makes it mostly for me
- is that its not only the normal features of a 3d engine, buts also lots of things
- especially and painstakingly coded for this demo alone, like all the special explosion
- effects and that kind of awesome looking stuff. I can also see this dedication to quality
- in the Extravaganja music disk, which is also a staggering effort considering that it's
- "only a musicdisk".Nerve Axis has been on the uk scene for some time, but it's only the
- last few years that they have really shone through as a very high quality group. I dont
- know if there'll be more demos from them. Relic certainly look like a truly exhausting
- demo to make. So inspiration will be lost after such a hit. Trying to top it, isnt going
- to be easy. Truly a classic, and all honour to Schlott for the curding :)«»
- «»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»The first production I saw from Schlott was the winning demo from
- Assembly'97 (Pulse), and apart from the golden wobly-twisty-thingie it
- didn't really impress me. Relic was far better, and eventhough it doesn't
- contain alot of impressive effects, Schlott has coded all the routines
- needed to produce a nicely designed film-demo. The musicdisc Extravaganja
- also features a lot of nice design-code, something which I really like!
- I'd say that (similar to Loaderror / Ephidrena) Schlott is a good
- "demo-creator", but as an "effect-coder" he hasn't impressed me yet.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Both speed and complexity combined with great ideas and design makes him
- one of my favorite coders ever since I saw 'Pulse'. He has a way of
- solving problems in original ways and seems to pay a lot of attention to
- detail therefore putting in a lot of hard work in the releases. He is an
- impressive coder in my opinion!«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»Slummy is a very good coder, but to my mind, he should code
- less demo and make again more original effects: he could
- concentrate on one big and good project. Some of his demo are very good,
- like Supermonster, and other are bad, like Snack.
- Something interesting to note anyway: each slummy demos are
- logic and "stand by themselves" as an artwork.
- I saw the Spaceballs website recently and I was impressed by
- the number of demo presented there. I am totally obsessed by
- the demo Smurph: I saw it only two times three years ago,
- and was amazed by the psychedelic script. I'm searching
- this one for three years,and couldn't managed to find it.
- Please someone, send it to me: krabob@online.fr :-)«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Well, my main adversary in the norwegian scene. After losing the Kg compo to those damn smurph
- antics of his again I really feel like some slagging off here. SMURPH 2, sounded like a rhino
- farting contest, and looked like something Lazur would be capable of drawing with a mouse stuck
- up his ass. Even though it has realtime radialblur, so there :) On a more positive note, I can
- mention his best production ever in my view. The a500 demo psychokiller was really cool. It had
- style and flair where everybody else were just trying to do the same old crap routines over again.
- The special mood was achieved by using few, well chosen colours and a great detroit soundtrack
- by Teis. Slummy also has better knowledge about the native amiga hardware than most of us other
- newschool coders that mostly use the c2p. :) So overall, a nice friend/enemy of mine, but I still
- think we should have won KG. And Tg too. And the 4k at Tg. bah :D«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Hmmm, weird guy this one. He has coded some rather inventive effects, and
- three or four of his productions have had a quite nice design, but his
- (huge) list of releases is badly scarred by bad jokes and lack of time.
- ;-D«»
- «»
- «c7»Can't remember anything in particular about him.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»TrickTrax continually finds new interesting uses of old routines, and
- often has some new ones, too. His code could use some speed, though.«»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»It's a coincidence: I have downloaded old iris demos this week.
- and I remember now: that impressive demo the last year!
- Well,well I'd like to write more but I had to look at Iris
- demos now...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Hmm Tricktrax has coded a lot of small productions occasionally popping up from nowhere. They
- usually seem a little rushed though. And colour choice and design is often heavily neglected
- in favour of showing yet another bump/env/goraud torus/lump of points. Which is okay, but not
- that awesome. Iris' latest demo had some innovative stuff, and was fun to watch, but had some
- boring design flaws. Why the hell would we want an internet explorer demo with naked ladies in
- the corner? That simpy sucks :) And graphics tend to get a bit messy sometimes thinking about
- resolution and general composition of the effects elements.(uh, hope you got that). Still,
- tricktrax dont need to make a big step forward to make a really great demo technically. He just
- needs to mature a bit when it comes to designing and chosing colours and such things.«»
- «c6»BY SLUMMY:«»
- «»
- «c7»I-Surf is the most recent of his releases that I've seen (the only other
- one is Brutal), so I'll just write some words about that one.
- The design is terrible, and that's a shame because some of his effects are
- REALLY interesting! If he could just improve his design-skills (or get
- someone else to do the job) he might release something very nice.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»ABOUT «c3»ZIG/FLOPPY:«»
- «»
- «c6»BY KRABOB:«»
- «»
- «c7»Had to check for his demos.
- Zig, If you got the time, send me your productions !«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Zig is also the author of some of my favourite demos. Id like to mention Napalm, which has the
- right kick ass feel when it comes to movement along with the pace of the music and has mostly nice
- looking colours and some nice design touches. I like that an element of the demo repeats itself.
- Im thinking about the zooming text here, as that makes the demo become more of a whole. Not just
- seperated routines and scenes. The second demo I'd like to mention is the Murderous demo from this
- years mekka symposium. This has the same nice feel to it as theres mostly one concept throughout the
- whole demo. Although there are some minor things, like :"why is the end screens colours so different
- from the other colours, which were used throughout the entire demo?". Personally, I kind of find the
- minimalistik planes, and the techno music, rather hard to mix with the dead people scrolling across
- at one point in the demo too. Apart from that, I think this is a good demo, and points the way forward
- for floppy. Again, technically, I cant really comment on his code, which I think is fast and a step above
- the normal for amiga demos.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Good coder and like most polish coders a wizz on math. I always enjoys his
- fast and goodlooking routines, also after the cooperation with Torus ended
- (Torus died). He has been quite dedicated to ham8 and has made a lot of
- quality productions. He is maybe not the most innovative coder, but his
- skills makes up for that plenty.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»I'd like to add 3 spanish friend, if you don't mind: (Of course we dont... Ed!)«»
- «c6»Drareg/ozone:«»
- «»
- «c1»He is the coder of "smokebomb"! (and 2 or 3 other astounding stuffs)
- How can we forget that demo!
- For me, It's the real heritage from groups like melon or movement:
- the real amiga demo feeling.
- The biggest cutting work I've ever seen!
- I find something new in that demo each time I see it.«»
- «»
- «c6»Peskanov/Capsule:«»
- «»
- «c1»Luis, (the coder of phase one) has coded a PPC demo, finished to the 2/3,
- with EXTRATERRESTRIAL effects, 100% original (I mean really NeveR done)
- and that could make a revolution, like nexus7 or hardwired in their times.
- I hope he will take the time to finish this, as He is not very motivated.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»HAM/Software Failure:«»
- «»
- «c1»A lonely intro coder that always find interesting effects...
- (check for Euskal parties intros.)«»
- «c7»That's all!«»
- «»
- «»
- «e»